Instructions for Registration

Registration includes


 Access to all scientific sessions

 Conference information and badge

 Certificate of Attendance

 Book of Proceedings (digital)

 Coffee breaks


 Conference Dinner

 Welcome drink



- Each registrated participant can present a maximum of one paper.

The Conference Dinner for participants and accompanying persons will take place in Palácio de São Marcos.

- Accompanying persons can attend the welcome drink for free

Accompanying persons can join the Conference Dinner by paying a fee of 100€.

- Any registration cancellations must be submitted in written by letter, fax or e-mail addressed to SIF 2024 ( Reimbursements, if applicable, will only be processed after the conference.

- Cancellations requests received after May 15th will be subject to a fee of 100€. No reimbursements will be issued for cancellations made after June 5th


Consult prices