09:00 - 10:30
Session A.1.2 | Numerical Modelling of Structures in Fire - Room A – Auditorium Laginha Serafim
Thermo-mechanical analysis and validation of safir for historic forms of construction
Octavian Lalu, Tom Lennon, Diana Duma, Thomas Gernay | Presented by Octavian Lalu
Validation of structural fire simulations: From small-scale experiments to real, large-scale fires
Wulan Shofa Aisyah, Augustin Guibaud, Jose Torero, Alejandra Albuerne | Presented by Wulan Shofa Aisyah
Numerical investigation of the structural fire response of tunnel structures with rectangular cross-sections
Thomas Thienpont, Florian Put, Balša Jovanovic, Ranjit Kumar Chaudhary, Ruben Van Coile | Presented by Thomas Thienpont
Validation of numerical simulations for hot-dip galvanized composite beams and connection details with experimental data
Maria-Mirabela Firan, Justus Frenz, Jie Li, Annika Kapfhammer, Prof. Jochen Zehfuß, Prof. Martin Mensinger | Presented by Maria-Mirabela Firan, Justus Frenz
Integrated analysis of loading eccentricity on response of a column under travelling fire
Rabinder Kumar, Naveed Alam, Ali Nadjai | Presented by Rabinder Kumar
Structural bolt heating and cooling: numerical study
Gordon Chen, Anthony Abu, Gregory MacRae | Presented by Gordon Chen
09:35 - 10:35
Session B.1.2 | Steel Structures in Fire 2 - Room B – Amphitheater S.A 2.5
Fire resistance testing of steel tension members with hollow section protected by intumescent coating
Dustin Häßler, Andreas Becker, Richard Fürst, Sascha Hothan | Presented by Dustin Häßler
Charpy impact test in the post-fire verification of structural steel susceptibility to brittle fracture
Mariusz Maslak, Michal Pazdanowski, Marek Stankiewicz, Paulina Zajdel | Presented by Mariusz Maslak
Lateral-torsional buckling of steel beams supporting cross-laminated timber slabs in fire
Aatish Jeebodh, Buick Davison, Martyn S. McLaggan, Ian Burgess, Danny Hopkin, Shan-Shan Huang | Aatish Jeebodh
Numerical and experimental study on critical temperature of axially loaded steel members under fire conditions
Hao Tang, Shouchao Jiang, Tingna Zhang | Presented by Hao Tang
Failure analysis of an aluminium warehouse columns due to time-dependent strain
Marko Goreta, Neno Toric, Ivica Boko | Presented by Marko Goreta
Deep learning-driven real-time prediction of fire-induced collapse of steel portal frames
Wei Ji, Guo-Qiang Li, Shaojun Zhu, Yong Du, Liu Zhi, Zongjun Xia, Zhifei Chen
11:00 - 12:30
Session A.2.2 | Timber Structures in Fire 1 - Room A – Auditorium Laginha Serafim
Embedment strength of dowelled connections of glulam timber at high temperatures
Shunsuke Saito, Takayuki Kikuchi, Yukito Nakayama, Marina Totsuka, Takeo Hirashima | Presented by Shunsuke Saito
Investigation on the post-fire mechanical properties of glulam
Jingxian Zhao, Hongbo Liu, Thomas Gernay, Zhihua Chen, Shixing Zhao
Experimental fire studies comparing the charring behaviour of timber protected with thin intumescent coatings and fire rated plasterboard
Stavros Spyridakis, Felix Wiesner, Anwar Orabi, Cristian Maluk | Presented by Stavros Spyridakis
Fire development in large compartments with mixed-timber-section ceiling
Cheng Chen, Tianwei Chu, Guillermo Rein, Asif Usmani, Liming Jiang | Presented by Tianwei Chu
Influence of adhesive type on heat induced delamination in tension loaded shear lap cross laminated timber samples exposed to radiant heat flux
Colic A., Wiesner F., Spearpoint M., Hopkin D., Bisby L. | Presented by Antonela Colic
Numerical modelling of the charring performance of cross-laminated timber exposed to standard fire
Mika Alanen, Topi Julin, Mikko Malaska, Mikko Salminen, Aleksi Ojala | Presented by Mikko Salminen
11:00 - 12:30
Session B.2.2 | Concrete Structures in Fire 4 - Room B – Amphitheater S.A 2.5
Fire-induced spalling of normal strength concrete with different types of blended portland cement
Tim Pittrich, Ludwig Stelzner, Frank Weise | Presented by Tim Pittrich
Post-fire structural performance of corroded concrete beams
Ethan Philion, Kathryn Chin, Austin Martins-Robalino, John Gales | Presented by Ethan Philion
Spalling tests of ultra-high performance concrete: influence of polipropylene fibers, drying and heating rate
V. Albero, D. Hernández-Figueirido, L. Reig, M. Roig-Flores, A. Melchor-Eixea, A. Piquer, A. Pitarch | Presented by V. Albero
Structural modelling coupled with large-scale fire tests for determining spalling of concrete structures: a real application case to the mont-blanc tunnel vault
Dorjan DAUTI, Julien VIALE, Jos BIENEFELT, Maïkel LOPEZ, Clifford CHINAYA, Xavier DUPONCHEL, Nicolas ROGES, Jean Noel PONTAROLLO | Presented by Dorjan DAUTI
Experimental investigation on the concrete behavior in the cooling phase of thermal cycles at high temperature
Jan Lyzwa, Jochen Zehfuss | Presented by Jan Lyzwa
Effect of elevated temperatures and varying cooling regimes on transport properties of concrete
Pavan Kumar, Umesh Kumar Sharma, A. B. Danie Roy
Efficient and reliable fire risk assessment of RC column
Akshay Baheti, David Lange, Vasant Matsagar | Presented by Akshay Baheti
Structural fire assessment of an existing tunnel using performance based approach and design
Eric Tonicello, Julien Duboc | Presented by Eric Tonicello
13:45 - 15:15
Session A.3.2 | Concrete Structures in Fire 3 - Room A – Auditorium Laginha Serafim
Unravelling the Dynamics of fire-induced concrete spalling: A Focus on thermal energy in a two-stage mechanism
Ramin Yarmohammadian, Roberto Felicetti | Presented by Ramin Yarmohammadian
Confined slab spalling test (CSST): a screening tool to assist concrete mix design in tunnel projects
Roberto Felicetti, Francesco Lo Monte, Umberto Cardu, Federico Martellozzo, Nicola Valiante | Presented by Roberto Felicetti
Influence of design moment redistribution to the fire resistance of fibre-reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete continuous slabs
Christopher Kevinly, Panwei Du, Bak Koon Teoh, Kang Hai Tan | Presented by Christopher Kevinly
Enhancing fire resistance of geopolymer concrete utilizing recycled aggregates, copper slag, and glass spheres: a comprehensive study
Tawzia Manzoor, Asif H. Shah, Javed Ahmad Bhat | Presented by Asif H. Shah
Load-induced thermal strain of high-strength concrete at elevated temperatures
Dinh Ba Le, José L. Torero, Vinh Dao | Presented by Vinh Dao
Response of structural concrete elements to thermo-mechanical loads
Biswajit Pal, Ananth Ramaswamy | Presented by Ananth Ramaswamy
13:45 - 15:30
Session B.3.2 | Experimental and Numerical Modelling of Structures in Fire 1 - Room B – Amphitheater S.A 2.5
Introduction to the jet fire and force loading coupled test device
Yanhong Zhang, Guobiao Lou, Guoqiang Li, Mengjie Wang, Honghui Qi
Temperature distribution and residual strength of mortar infilled modular rectangular steel columns exposed to standard fire
Seulgi Han, Junyoung Gwak, Sunhee Kim, Inrak Choi, Sungmo Choi | Presented by Inrak Choi
Dynamic Response Assessment of RC Structure Exposed to Natural Fire
Muhammad Noman, Muhammad Yaqub, Salman Khan
On the fire development and modelling for automated rack supported warehouses
Margherita Autiero, Donatella de Silva, Emidio Nigro | Presented by Donatella de Silva
Experimental and analysis of precast concrete sandwich panels façade (PCSPF) systems at elevated temperatures
Ali Nadjai, Donatella De Silva, Gabriella De Rosa, Naveed Alam, Faris Ali | Presented by Ali Nadjai
Numerical analysis of steel-concrete composite shear wall at elevated temperature
Bhatt Nav Raj, Mahbub Khan, Huu Tai Thai, Tuan Ngo, Brian Uy | Presented by Bhatt Nav Raj
A numerical investigation on fire resistance of steel warehouse based on fire protection optimization
Pegah Aghabozorgi, Aldina Santiago, Luís Laím | Presented by Pegah Aghabozorgi
Numerical design calculation of the Cardington frame joints
Batuhan Der, František Wald, Petr Cervinka, Martin Vild
Response of composite bridge girders exposed to realistic fire scenarios using a deep learning based approach
Mustesin Ali Khan, Aatif Ali Khan, Nan Zhuojun, Ghazanfar Ali Anwar, Katherine Cashell, Asif Usmani | Presented by Katherine Cashell
15:45 - 17:00
Session A.4.2 | Composite Structures in Fire 2 - Room A – Auditorium Laginha Serafim
Influence of laps on the behaviour of a composite slab under membrane action in fire
Moe Horie, Takeo Hirashima, Haruka Kanada, Yusuke Shintani | Presented by Moe Horie
Enhancement of the fire performance of steel-reinforced concrete-filled steel tubular slender columns with high-performance materials
David Medall, Carmen Ibáñez, Ana Espinós, Manuel Luis Romero | Presented by Manuel Luis Romero
Investigations on headed studs in profiled steel sheeting at elevated temperatures
Kurt Tutzer, Knallinger Georg, Mohamad Mohamad, Martin Mensinger | Presented by Martin Mensinger
Numerical investigation on different fire protection systems for steel-concrete composite beams with demountable shear connectors
Vicente Albero, Ana Espinós, Andrés Lapuebla-Ferri, Manuel Luis Romero | Presented by Ana Espinós Capilla
Heating of fire protected steel beams with unfilled cavities formed between the steel profile and overtop steel deck of composite slabs - experimental and numerical studies
Bin ZHAO, Hoang-Tung VU | Presented by Bin ZHAO
16:00 - 17:00
Session B.4.2 | Timber Structures in Fire 2 - Room B – Amphitheater S.A 2.5
Burning behaviour of a timber ceiling: a bench-scale investigation
Joshua Madden, Machelle Kriel, Felix Wiesner, Wenxuan Wu, Ryan Hilditch, Adam Ervine, David Lange | Presented by Joshua Madden
Application of the European charring model to cross laminated timber in parametric fire
Mika Alanen, Mikko Malaska, Sami Pajunen | Presented by Mika Alanen
An empirical model of fallout of char layer of glue laminated timber walls heated by ISO 834 standard fire for various duration
Shoma Makino, Anyang Sun, Kazunori Harada, Daisaku Nii | Presented by Kazunori Harada
Probabilistic modelling of wood charring rates: a parametric study and next steps
Jakub Šejna, Dominik Štraus, Kamila Cábová, František Wald | Presented by Jakub Šejna
Influence of surface slot shape on the temperature rise and burning behavior of wood under intense heating
Anyang Sun, Kazunori Harada, Daisaku Nii | Presented by Anyang Sun
CFD-based analysis of thermocouple measurements in the fire decay and cooling phases in relation to the adiabatic surface temperature
Florian Put, Andrea Lucherini, Ruben Van Coile, Bart Merci | Presented by Florian Put
Simulations and tests of steel plates protected by intumescent paint exposed to fire
Véronique Saulnier, Salah Eddine Ouldboukhitine, Sébastien Durif, Abdelhamid Bouchaïr | Presented by Véronique Saulnier