09:00 - 11:00
Recent developments in the design of steel structures   -    Room C2A (with simultaneous translation into English)
With the Journalist Cristina Esteves
Steel design assisted by FE analysis – new developments in Eurocode 3
Professor László Dunai
Robustness of steel and steel-concrete composite structures – from research to practice
Professor Jean-François Demonceau
Steel-concrete composite structures in the context of the new generation of Eurocodes
Professor José Miguel Castro
Research and Assessment of Steel and Composite Structures – Advances and Future Challenges
Professor Markus Knobloch
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee-Break   -    Room C1A + Tent
11:30 - 13:00
Additive Manufacturing   -    Room C2A (with simultaneous translation into English)
With the Journalist Cristina Esteves
Modular construction: is it the solution for the societal challenges of the construction sector?
Professor Luís Simões da Silva, University of Coimbra
Everything a Civil Engineer Should Know Today about Additive Manufacturing
Professor Teresa Vieira, Univeristy of Coimbra
Additive Manufacturing Overview and Trends: What's on the Horizon for 3D Printing?
Professor Artur Mateus, IPL
Additive Manufacturing in Steel and Composite Construction: Opportunities and Challenges
Professor David Andrade, University of Coimbra
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch   -    Room C1C + C1D
14:30 - 16:30
Session C1   -    Room C2A (with simultaneous translation into English)
Concrete-filled cold-formed steel built-up composite stub columns
Rohola Rahnavard, Hélder Craveiro, Rui Simões, Shahabeddin Torabian and Benjamin Schafer | Presented by Rui António Duarte Simões
A nova prEN 1993-1-11:2023 para o dimensionamento de componentes tensionados de aço
José Oliveira Pedro
Encurvadura lateral de vigas em I em aço inoxidável sujeitas a combinações de momentos nas extremidades e cargas transversais em situação de incêndio
Nuno Lopes, Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real, Dinar Camotim and Rodrigo Gonçalves | Presented by Nuno Lopes
Thermal buckling on curved and tangent railways: parametric study
Paulo Piloto, Manuel Minhoto, Diego R. Rossetto and Eduardo Nava | Presented by Paulo Piloto
Dromel Montfuron – Parque de estacionamento. Estudos de segurança contra incêndio
Nuno Neves, Guilhermina Barreto and Regina Sousa | Presented by Guilhermina Barreto
Estabilidade de pórticos metálicos com elementos de inércia variável
Duarte Neto, Carlos Couto and Paulo Vila Real | Presented by Carlos Couto
Definição de metodologia baseada no desempenho para reforçar a segurança e a resiliência do ambiente construído na interface urbana-florestal
Hélder Craveiro, Cesare Fiorini, Luana Tesch, Luís Laím and Aldina Santiago | Presented by Hélder Craveiro
14:30 - 16:15
Session C2   -    Room C2D (English language session)
From Automation to Collaboration
Professor Stefana Parascho
Resistance of thin sheets lap joints connected by spot welding and brazing
Viorel Ungureanu, Ioan Both and Antonio A. Cristian | Presented by Ioan Both
Experimental study of the lateral resistance of cfs shear walls
Nadia Baldassino, Lorenzo Manzini and Riccardo Zandonini | Presented by Riccardo Zandonini
Predicted inelastic behavior of composite steel-plate concrete-filled shear walls subjected to wind loads
Joshua Blom and Johnn Judd | Presented by Johnn Judd
Experimental and Numerical Study on the Column Web Behaviour Under Bidirectional Loading
Melaku Lemma, Luís Simões da Silva, Jorge Conde and Carlos Rebelo | Presented by Melaku Seyoum Lemma
Reliability assessment of steel portal frames using gan for generating synthetic data sample
Filip Ljubinkovic, Milena Jankovic, Helena Gervásio and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Filip Ljubinkovic
14:30 - 16:15
Session C3   -    Room C2B
Avaliação numérica do comportamento cíclico de elementos metálicos sujeitos a flexão biaxial
Elisa Cerqueira, Cyrus Eshaghi, Rita Peres and José Miguel Castro | Presented by Elisa Losada Cerqueira
Comportamento estrutural de ligações mistas aço-betão para soluções modulares desmontáveis
Hélder Craveiro, Rohola Rahnavard and Rui Simões | Presented by Hélder Craveiro
Nova proposta para a determinação da capacidade resistente de vigas de aço com aberturas na alma submetidas à flexão
Adriano Carvalho, Alexandre Rossi and Carlos Martins | Presented by Adriano Carvalho
Estudo sobre o desempenho estrutural de um painel steel frame formado a frio em condição de incêndio
Felipe Frizon, Diego Rossetto and Paulo Piloto | Presented by Diego Rossetto
Singularities observed in the calculation of the modal damping ratio of a long-span metal arch bridge
Juan López-Aragón and M. A. Astiz | Presented by Juan López-Aragón
Análisis de pandeo de uniones de estructura metálica mediante un modelo de elementos finitos
Alfonso García del Río and Amaya Yábar | Presented by Alfonso García Del Rio
New insights into the web panel component
Fernando Freire, Juan Aguiar, Ana F. Santos, Filip Ljubinkovic, Jorge Conde and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Fernando Freire
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee-Break   -    Room C1A + Tent

16:45 - 18:15
Session D1   -    Room C2A (with simultaneous translation into English)
Calibração de modelos numéricos para a avaliação do desempenho estrutural de conetores para estruturas mistas
João Pedro Martins, Hélder Craveiro and Rohola Rahnavard | Presented by João Pedro Martins
Qualificação e caracterização de estruturas metálicas produzidas por wire arc additive manufacturing
David Andrade, Trayana Tankova, Carlos Zhu, Ricardo Branco, Dulce Rodrigues and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by David Andrade
Slip-resistant connections. Comparison of friction areas in slip factor test specimens according to international codes
Alfonso Fuente García, Miguel Serrano-López, Carlos López-Colina and Fernando López-Gayarre | Presented by Alfonso Fuente García
Modelos de inteligência artificial para vigas alveolares
Carlos Couto and Rúben Santo | Presented by Carlos Couto
Otimização da deposição de material no fabrico por wire arc additive manufacturing
Carlos Zhu, Kaike Monteiro, Trayana Tankova, Luís Simões da Silva and R. Branco | Presented by Carlos Zhu
Aplicação de machine learning e inteligência artificial para deteção de danos estruturais
Filipe Santos, Eduardo Gonçalves and Abel J.P. Gomes | Presented by Eduardo Gonçalves
16:45 - 18:15
Session D2   -    Room C2D (English language session)
Structural fire engineering analysis on heritage industrial buildings. structural measures to guarantee their performance
Roberto Cerdeiriña, Gabriele Vigne, Jimmy Jönsson, Alejandro Torres, Andrea Bartolini and Enrico Lombini | Presented by Roberto Cerdeiriña
A numerical investigation on fire performance of industrial steel warehouses protected with gypsum-based boards
Pegah Aghabozorgi, Luís Laím and Aldina Santiago | Presented by Pegah Aghabozorgi
Structural silicone Sikasil® SG-500: Experimental rheological characterization of material
Eliana Inca-Cabrera, Sandra Jordão, Carlos Leitão, Afonso Mesquita and Seyed-Amin Hosseini| Presented by Seyed-Amin Hosseini
Built-up cold-formed steel-lightweight concrete (CFS-LWC) composite beams subjected to elevated temperatures
Rohola Rahnavard, Hélder Craveiro, Rui Simões, Aldina Santiago, Luís Laím and Leroy Gardner | Presented by Luís Laim
Hybrid steel frames with mass timber floors: performance, challenges and sustainability benefits
Ricardo Pimentel, Rui Simões and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Ricardo Pimentel
16:45 - 18:15
Session D3   -    Room C2B
Diseño y cálculo de uniones complejas con placas de anclaje asistido por ordenador
Rafael Doña Guerrero and Pablo Gómez | Presented by Rafael Doña Guerrero
Influência da restrição axial no comportamento de ligações livres de dano ao fogo
Ana Francisca Santos, Aldina Santiago, Hélder Craveiro and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Ana Francisca Santos
Integrating a vibration control in concrete/steel connections: a real case study
Amina Aissani, Hélder Anastácio and P. Pinto | Presented by Amina Aissani
Modelo de componente desacoplada para T-Stubs na modelação cíclica de juntas metálicas
Sara Oliveira, Ricardo Costa, Ana Francisca Santos and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Sara Diogo de Oliveira
Emissões de carbono do escopo 3 em portos marítimos: estudos de caso e resultados
Danielle Freitas and Helena Gervásio | Presented by Danielle Freitas
Otimizações Topológicas de uma ligação T fabricada por Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Kaike Monteiro, Carlos Zhu, Trayana Tankova and Luís Simões da Silva | Presented by Carlos Zhu
18:15 - 18:30
Closing Session   -    Room C2A (with simultaneous translation into English)
Closing Session
With Professor Luís Simões da Silva, Professor Paulo Vila Real, Professor Helena Gervásio, Professor Jorge Conde and Professor Diogo Ribeiro
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